FedEx Brown Bailout

fedex logoA few years ago, FedEx established a site called Brown Bailout to advocate against the granting of bailout funds through the Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization bill that was making its way through Congress. During the economic downturn, FedEx competitor UPS was lobbying to get this bill passed. Rather than creating all its own original content espousing its objections to the bailout, FedEx systematically curated news content from prestigious media publications like The Washington Times and The National Review that agreed with its perspective, which ultimately added more credibility to its position. The website includes editorial content that provides perspective and clarity around some of the concerns regarding the policy. Along with the original content located in the blog, the website captures the flow of information across publications around the topic at hand to provide additional support and perspective to the issue. This type of curation not only provides additional credibility to the political position but also creates a destination for news associated with the topic.

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